Bunwa's setlist.fm

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Last.fm Bunwa


Member since October 5, 2012
Last seen March 7, 2024
Edits so far 196
Edits last month 0


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Bunwa do you have a tape of bowie Evansville 1976? Looking for this one.... some say Bowie performed golden years at this show.

Hi Bunwa, please could i buy a copy of Bowie - Evansville 76 from you?

do you have that recording of The Cars at Freedom Hall in 1980? i'd love to hear whatever song you meant instead of "You"

Hello Bunwa, you still have your Recording of Pink Floyd in Louisville 1973? Did you also record the 1977 Floyd show at the same venue?
I and many other Fans would be very interested in hearing any uncirculated Tapes you have to offer. I could even connect you to someone who can professionally digitize your Master Tapes! Please answer any way you can.
If you want, have a look at the Website yeeshkul.com to see all the great Work that is done to preserve these valuable Recordings!

Thanks for the correction on the Lynyrd Skynyrd show at Louisville Gardens. I moved 38 special to the venue where they were on the 23rd,

Bunwa, you say you have a copy of the Jefferson Starship show in The Gardens from 1975? I would love to have that show..if you could upload that via wetransfer would be great !
Thanks Louie please respond if you can and I'll send you the email addy

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