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About gorski85


Member since June 4, 2013
Last seen March 5, 2024
Edits so far 1716
Edits last month 0


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hi, trying to determine if this show was in large Ballroom or small Tea Room, if you know please update venue or msg me with info, thanks
and yet another monte show at gypsy with a diff date

hi, trying to determine if this show was in large Ballroom or small Tea Room, if you know please update venue or msg me with info, thanks
another monte show diff date

hi, trying to determine if this show was in large Ballroom or small Tea Room, if you know please update venue or msg me with info, thanks

Thank you for Eric Johnson, only one of your requests, I had already asked for before.

Moderators always overlook my requests. I have three weeks old corrections that still haven't been done.